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Jersey Shore Partnership Board Members
Here you can find the complete list of members of our Board. The Board is instrumental in driving the key points of prioritization and direction as it relates to our efforts. Through many collaborative relationships and advancements put forth by The Board, The Jersey Shore Partnership has grown to its strongest yet!
John E. Gagliano
EPS Corporation
Executive Director
Grace Hanlon
Grace Hanlon LLC
Frank Robinson
Jersey Shore Tourism Industry
1st Vice President
Lynda Pagliughi
Borough of Avalon
Assistant Secretary & Assistant Treasurer
Barbara Hindman
EPS Corporation
2nd Vice President
Mary Pat Angelini
Mercury Public Affairs
Vicki Clark
Clark’s Moving & Storage
Name | Affiliation |
Ben Waldron | |
Brian Keatts, Esq. | Davison Eastman Munoz & Paone, P.A. |
Carolyn Burtnick | Director of Tourism for Monmouth County |
Chrissy Buteas | HealthCare Institute of New Jersey |
Christopher Curcia | OceanFirst Bank |
Corrine Lewin | UpMetrics |
Dana Lancellotti | Co-Founder & Board Member, The Military Support Alliance of NJ |
Diane Wieland | Cape May County Tourism |
Eric Betz | French & Parrello Associates |
George DiStefano | The James Bradley |
Howard Krant | Adeptus Partners, LLC |
Jason Sena, Esq. | Archer & Greiner, P.C. |
Jeanette Hoffman | Marathon Public Affairs |
Jefferey Booker | Legacy’s Future Insurance Services |
Jennifer Godoski | NJ Natural Gas |
Joann DelVescio | NJ Campground Owners Association |
Jodi Grinwald | CEO of MODC, Monmouth Ocean Development Council |
John Ciufo | Monmouth County Economic Development |
John Feeney | Family Resource Associates |
John Passuth | Veolia |
Jon Miller, Ph.D. | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Joseph H. Mancini | Mayor, Long Beach Township |
Karen Mastriano | Comcast |
Kinn Badger | Badger & Associates LLC |
Lauren Goldfarb | Newport Capital Group |
Lindsey Olson | NJ American Water |
Maisha Y. Moore | Casino Reinvestment Development Authority |
Martin Pagliughi | Borough of Avalon |
Matthew Woolley | National Federation of Independent Business |
Michael Manning, Esq. | Hoagland Longo Moran Dunst & Doukas, LLP |
Nicholas “Nick ” DiRocco | South Jersey Industries |
Nicole Beaver | NJM Insurance Group |
Peter M. Rowe, Ph.D. | NJ Sea Grant Consortium |
Raymond Cantor | NJBIA |
Sandra Lazzaro | Director, Ocean County Business Development & Tourism |
Sandy Mulheren | Chapel Beach Club |
Sarah Giberson | Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) |
Scott Wahl | Administrator, Borough of Avalon |
Sharon Franz | Steel Pier |
Sue Howard | Monmouth Beach |
Suzanne Walters | Borough of Stone Harbor |
Sylvia Sylvia-Cioffi | Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce |
Thomas Herrington, Ph.D. | Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute |
Tony MacDonald | Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute |
Tony Perry | Mayor, Middletown Township |
Advocacy Consultant
Margot Walsh
Earle Naval Weapons Station Liaisons
Capt. Kent D. Smith
Mr. Nick Ginther, Community Plans & Liaison Officer
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