Whether you are a small or large business or a not-for-profit, emergency planning is key to your organization. We provide ten questions for you to think about as you prepare or review your business emergency response plan.
Do you have a copy of the plan, or know where you can easily gain access to a copy?
Have you reviewed those portions of the plan that may impact you?
Have you had a meeting with local first responders to familiarize them with your facility?
Should an event occur, is there a system in place to capture “lessons learned”?
Do you have a formal evacuation plan?
Are roles and responsibilities of personnel during an emergency clearly defined?
Is there a designated spokesperson to address external inquiries, including media, public officials, etc.?
Are there protocols in place for internal and external security of paper and computer files?
Is there a company protocol for backing up files?
Does your facility have back up/emergency available?
This is a partial list designed by Emergency Preparedness Partnerships, the utility industry’s top source for disaster preparedness and disaster recovery, consulting training and planning. EPP is a board member of the Jersey Shore Partnership. Go to emergencypreparednesspartnerships.com to request the entire emergency response plan checklist.